Sunday, December 19, 2010

Your Friends Use You

Do you have friends who used to eat together with you, yet never once settle the bill? Do you think it is a problem to you? What would you do to solve this problem?

It is good to know that we all have friends, and that we enjoy going out and eating out with our friends.

Sometimes we use the same vehicle; sometimes we make plan to meet together. It doesn't matter the place, so long as we have good friends and nice food together.

It is always fun and exciting to eat together with friends. We have a lot to talk; we jokes and laughs and have fun; we share and sort out various problems; and we have a good laugh to release tension. It is just very nice to go together with friends. Sometimes, it surprises me how much we can eat when together.

Sometimes we pay our own bill; sometimes we pay everyone's bill. It doesn't matter, since we belong together. It surprises me why we can be so kind and generous to our friends.

Over the years, we have cultivated more friends and more close friends.

Some of us remain generous, ever ready to treat our friends.

Some of us have become more cautious; money doesn't come easy when you have family.

Nevertheless we continue to have friends and give treats to friends.

But, over time, we realize certain friends never pay, not once.

We talk and joke about it.

Some of us feel it's okay; we smile and laugh away happily.

Some of us are annoyed; we are frustrated and angry, wanting to make him or her pay.


Now back to you.

Is it okay if your friends never pay?

What would you do to make him or her pay?

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